10.9.1 Vertical details
If you select “Vertical Details”, you will see the following screen on your display.
On this screen, latitude and longitude values are displayed. Users are required to input values for speed in m/s, maximum altitude in meters, and the number of waypoints. The altitude value is automatically calculated by dividing the maximum altitude by the number of waypoints. Users can choose camera actions from the drop-down list, including options like no action or camera trigger. Enabling the gimbal is done by clicking on the gimbal option, where users can input values for pitch, roll, and yaw. Additionally, users can set the hold duration in seconds.
Note: It's important to note that camera actions, gimbal settings, and hold duration are specific to each waypoint and can be configured independently if needed.
After setting the required values appropriately, the user must apply them to the plan by clicking the "Apply" button.
Users can set the following details
Latitude and Longitude: The current waypoints' latitude and longitude are displayed for user reference.
Altitude and Speed: Users can set altitude and speed individually for each waypoint based on their specific requirements.
Max. Altitude: Users can set the maximum altitude for the Vertical plan by entering the desired value.
No. Of Waypoints: Users can decide the number of waypoints needed for the plan and set it by entering the desired value.
Camera Action: To capture photos in AeroGCS ORANGE, users should select "Camera Action" as the camera trigger. Additionally, users can configure Gimbal actions and Hold.
Gimbal: Enable it and adjust pitch, roll, and yaw settings. The default value is set to 0; if the user doesn't want to change it, leave it as 0.
Hold: Enable it to hover the vehicle at waypoint. The "Hold" function allows the vehicle to hover at a specific waypoint for a specified duration in seconds.
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