8.1 Utilizing Serial Port
Follow these steps to establish a connection with the drone using the serial port.
Step 1: Choose the "Serial" option from the dropdown list, as shown below, and proceed to configure the parameters.
Configure or choose the appropriate values as explained below.
Serial Port Settings:
Within the serial port settings, users can establish a device connection through serial communication. Moreover, users hold the flexibility to adjust baud rates based on specific requirements before initiating the device connection.
8.1.1 Serial Port Selection:
Choose a serial port from the provided drop-down list. Opting for the correct serial port is essential to ensure the establishment of a reliable communication link.
8.1.2 Baud Rate:
The baud rate corresponds to the pace at which information moves within a communication channel. It signifies the frequency of signal element alterations or transitions per second as data traverses through a transmission medium. A higher baud rate translates to accelerated data transmission and reception speeds.
Baud rate = Number of signal elements/total time (in seconds)
Baud rate holds significance, particularly in serial communication. Within the context of a serial port, the term "9600 baud" indicates that the serial port can facilitate the transfer of up to 9600 bits within a single second.
8.1.3 Data Bits:
Data bits in serial communication carry a range of information, including device commands, sensor readings, and error messages. Both text (ASCII) and binary data can serve as carriers. Commonly, serial ports employ five to eight data bits.
8.1.4 Parity:
Parity, an error-checking method, enforces a consistent count of 1s – either even or odd – within each error-free bit group transmitted.
8.1.5 Data Flow Control:
- RTS/CTS Protocol: The Request To Send (RTS) / Clear To Send (CTS) protocol employs a single wire in each direction, facilitating a handshaking technique.
- XON/XOFF Flow Control: XON/XOFF, also referred to as Software Flow Control, are control characters integral to data transmission.
Step 2: To establish a connection with the drone, click on the "Connect" button.
After a successful connection, you will receive a notification confirming "Communication Link Established," and the top bar of the screen will change to a vibrant green color.
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