9.2.1 Battery Settings

This section displays the Battery Failsafe, Failsafe Trigger, and RC Threshold settings as configured by the OEM. Users can view these settings but cannot adjust them. As shown in following screen

Battery Failsafe Trigger

  • Low Action: Displays the action set by the OEM (None, Land, RTL, Smart RTL, or Land)

  • Low Voltage Threshold: Value set by OEM

  • Low Battery Capacity Threshold: Value set by OEM

  • Critical Action: Displays the action set by the OEM (None, Land, RTL, Smart RTL, or Land)

  • Critical Voltage Threshold: Value set by OEM

  • Critical Battery Capacity Threshold: Value set by OEM

Failsafe Trigger

  • Ground Station Failsafe: Displays the setting chosen by the OEM (Disabled, Enable RTL, Enable Continue Mission in Auto Mode)

  • Throttle Failsafe: Value set by OEM

  • PWM Failsafe: Value set by OEM

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