15.2 VTOL Flight Mode

AeroGCS ORANGE provides support for the following flight modes for VTOL.

  1. Auto Mode: In AUTO mode, the quad will help the aircraft turn at the speed that the navigation controller requires while also providing lift to get to the altitude of the next waypoint.

  2. Loiter, RTL, or Guided Modes: The quad motors will attempt to help with any climb and turn rates that the fixed-wing LOITER, RTL, or GUIDED modes request of them.

  3. QLOITER Mode: The QLOITER Mode automatically tries to keep the position, heading, and altitude constant. When the sticks are released, the QuadPlane will slow to a stop and hold its position. The pilot can control the QuadPlane in QLOITER mode as though it were in a more manual flight mode.

  4. QHOVER Mode: QuadPlane maintains a constant altitude while allowing normal control of roll, pitch, and yaw in QHOVER mode.

  5. QSTABILIZE Mode: The roll and pitch axes of your vehicle are self-leveled while in QSTABILIZE mode, which still lets you fly it manually.

Warning: While QRTL or RTL switching in an emergency requires GPS, QSTABILIZE mode does not always need it. Before arming, make sure you have a solid position estimate. A 3D GPS fix with enough HDOP typically provides this. In the arming checks, this is a default requirement. These checks should not be disabled.

Note: If the autopilot is unable to steer the vehicle, always enter a manual mode, such as QSTABILIZE. It is your responsibility to keep your copter under control.

  1. QLAND Mode: QLAND Mode attempts to bring the QuadPlane straight down at the vehicle's current location, descending to Q_LAND_FINAL_ALT at Q_WP_SPEED_DN until it reaches Q_LAND_FINAL_ALT, at which point it continues to descend at Q_LAND_SPEED until landing.

  2. QAUTOTUNE Mode: The same system is used as in the AUTOTUNE mode for copters. It should make it possible for you to tune without manually adjusting PIDs. The use of QAUTOTUNE is not advised for any axis requiring feed-forward pid contributions, including the yaw and pitch axes of the tailsitter.

  3. QACRO (for acrobatic): This is a quadplane mode for advanced users that provides rate-based stabilization like Copter ACRO. QACRO mode is best suited for aerobatic flight of a copter tailsitter but is also available for other quadplane types.

  4. QRTL mode (QuadPlane Return To Launch mode): This mode navigates QuadPlane from its current position to hover above the home position and then land. The behavior of QRTL mode can be controlled by several adjustable parameters. This page describes how to use and customize QRTL mode.

  5. Guided Mode: A QuadPlane can also be used in GUIDED mode, in addition to AUTO mode. The Q_GUIDED_MODE parameter needs to be set to 1 to use VTOL support in GUIDED mode. The position held at the destination will now be performed as a VTOL hover rather than a fixed-wing circle once the GUIDED mode behavior has been changed.

  6. AVOID_ADSB: for ADS-B-based avoidance of manned aircraft. Should not be set up as a pilot-selectable flight mode.

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