7.5.1 Survey plan
To edit a survey plan for a specific project, begin by opening the plan in the flight plan view.
As shown in the following screen.
On this screen, users can modify the plan by selecting the "Edit" button. Upon pressing the edit button, the parameters in Camera Details, Survey Details, and Fence Boundary become editable. Users can then input new values and make necessary modifications as per their requirements.
Users have the option to directly upload the plan by clicking the "Upload" button if they want to reuse the same plan without any modifications.
Upon clicking the "Edit" button, the Flight Plan screen will be displayed as depicted in the following image.
On this screen, users have the option to adjust or input new values for parameters in Camera Details, Survey Details, and Fence Boundary.
Camera Details :
In this section, users can modify the camera type by selecting it from the drop-down list. After choosing the camera type, all values in the corresponding fields—Sensor Height, Sensor Width, Image Height, Image Width, and Focal Length—get automatically updated. If the user prefers not to make changes, they can leave the camera type and parameter values unchanged.
Additionally, users can introduce a new camera by selecting the "Add Camera" option and specifying the values for Sensor Height, Sensor Width, Image Height, Image Width, and Focal Length.
Survey Details :
Users can change values for parameters in Survey Details, including front overlap, side overlap, turn-around distance, starting point, altitude, GSD, speed, and turn angle. The turn angle can be adjusted using a slider. Furthermore, users can enable or disable the cross grid, add rally points, and import a GCP file through the import button.
Rally Points :
When this option is enabled, users can add a maximum of 4 rally points in a survey plan by simply clicking on the desired location within the survey plan. As shown in the following screen.
In AeroGCS ORANGE, Rally points are represented in violet color within the survey plan.
If a user tries to add more than 4 rally points, the user will see the screen with the message: "Can't add rally points beyond 4."
Relocate Rally Point:
Users can relocate a rallying point by selecting it and dragging it to a new location.
Delete a Rally Point:
To delete a rally point from the survey plan, click on the rally point that the user wants to delete. This will trigger a confirmation message: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected rally point?" as shown in the following screen.
Upon clicking the "Yes" button, the selected rally point will be deleted from the survey plan.
Fence Boundary :
In AeroGCS ORANGE, the survey flight plan comprises two distinct fence boundaries: the Outer Fence Boundary and the Inner Fence Boundary.
Outer Fence Boundary :
In AeroGCS ORANGE, the default setting for the Outer Fence Boundary is drawn at a distance of 10 meters around the flight plan in green color. Users have the flexibility to adjust this distance by expanding the fence boundary using the slider feature. This allows users to increase or decrease the Outer Fence Boundary according to their requirements.
Inner Fence Boundary :
In AeroGCS ORANGE, the Inner Fence Boundary is automatically drawn at the plan boundary in yellow color, featuring red-colored fence waypoints. Users can edit the Inner Fence by utilizing the fence waypoints, as explained in the dedicated Fence Waypoint section.
Note: Fence waypoints on the Inner Fence Boundary become visible only when the Outer Fence Boundary widget is minimized or disabled.
Fence Waypoint :
In AeroGCS ORANGE, the user can add, move, or delete fence waypoint points (represented by red color) on the inner fence boundary. The inner fence boundary is highlighted in yellow and is exclusively visible in the flight plan view.
Add New Fence Waypoint : To add a new fence waypoint, click on the red-colored point without a number. This action will append a new fence waypoint to the inner fence boundary.
Relocate a Fence Waypoint : To relocate a fence waypoint to a different position, click and drag the respective waypoint to the desired location. The plan will be rearranged and drawn accordingly. The revised plan will be visible on the flight plan view.
Delete a Fence Waypoint : In a survey plan, users can delete a fence waypoint by selecting it. A "Delete" pop-up button will appear at that point. By clicking on the "Delete" button, the chosen fence waypoint will be removed, leading to a rearrangement and redraw of the plan. The updated plan will then be visible on the flight plan view.
Note: Deleting a fence waypoint in the survey plan is only possible when there are more than 4 waypoints on the inner fence boundary. If the survey plan contains only 4 or fewer fence waypoints, the user will not have the option to delete them.
Moving a plan :
After making all the necessary modifications to the survey flight plan, the user should apply the new parameters and settings by clicking on the "Apply" button. Once applied, the updated flight plan will be visible on the screen, accompanied by the "Save" button. Click on the "Save" button to save the modified flight plan.
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